Sunday, September 11, 2016


It's been a week full of adventuring! The kids are back in school full force with swimming 3-5 days a week afterward. I have been super busy and always feel like I'm playing catch-up. So last weekend was a 3 day weekend and we decided to head outside and go play at the Nakalele Blowhole.

It's an amazing spot to go because the landscape is so incredible. The kids go to hike, see different kinds of lava, got wet, got to see the power of the ocean, and learned how the blowhole works. 

Then it was a short week at school but Peter and I snuck away Friday morning while they were in school for a short little hike by Kahakuloa Village. It was so beautiful - absolutely breathtaking. I did take a little slip and have a massive bruise up my thigh - but it was worth it!

Not sure what our next hiking adventure will be ... hopefully something with a waterfall cause it sure feels good to get in the water after a hike.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

26 Forever

It's my birthday! I'm 36 today, which is wild because I don't feel at all like I'm 36. I feel like I'm 26.

I'm at a really weird point in my life where I feel like I lost a decade to being tired. Yes... you read that right. I was exhausted for a decade, probably longer. I felt like I lost my identity to the title "MOM" and am only now figuring out who the heck I am and what I want (aside from the fabulous title of Mom and Wife) really there's so much more than those two things that I am.

Here's who I am right now:
 An ocean loving mermaid happy under the water with strong, powerful legs that will never be thin, but carry strength and grace.
A reggae loving, island girl that needs to be around salt water and hear island jams on the daily.
 A bad ass, black nail loving, crazy hair colored, makeup wearing dork that probably swears too much, dances too crazily, and loves too fiercely.
A woman that gets hurt by past traumas and is working on rebuilding to not hurt anymore, to see the light in every day, to trust instincts, and be grateful for the present.

Happy 36th birthday to me!

Sunday, August 07, 2016


We've been working so hard we all needed a little break. The kids joined Hawaii Swim Club this week and they have practice 5 days a week for Ry and 4 days a week for the boys. We've been at the pool, multiple shoots, trying to organize in the house... it has been BUSY!

We needed a morning off from everything so we headed to Cliff House in Kapalua. The boys are finally old enough to enjoy this spot so it was even more special! It's SUPER deep so we needed to have some confidence in the boys' swimming abilities before taking them. They were champs! They both jumped in from low rocks and didn't cry when we had to climb back up.

Ry was amazing and jumped after me from the high rocks. Then Peter jumped and the boys got in last. We jumped and climbed back up so many times I am FEELING it today - quite the workout! Best 4 hours ever!!!!

Monday, August 01, 2016

Last Day of Summer & First Day of School

The boys finished their flag football season with the Wailuku Packers. They didn't win the season, but we saw HUGE improvement in their playing skills. Kai LOVES it. Peter was coach this season too!

 We headed to Olowalu for some ocean swimming. We took Lily along with us - it was so gorgeous!

It was so dark when we got home but Lighting needed some love. He didn't care that I was wet!

This morning was school! YESSSSSSS.
 Kai Boy - 2nd Grade!! 

 Cruz - 1st Grade! 

Ryenne - 5th Grade! 
(she was in an awful mood - I'll spare you the other photos)