Monday, May 31, 2010

To the Rescue

I had a super rough night last night. I even found myself in the tub at 3am taking a bath with Cruz after he threw up everywhere. It just didn't end.

I had to call Gams to come rescue me this morning. I had the kids at the table with their breakfast and felt like I could barely function. Her and Pops came to my rescue and I passed out in my bed. Not just my average "sleep half awake just in case anyone needs me" sleep - but a true, hard, "lights out" type of sleep. I feel like an entirely new person.

Three little monkeys is a hard task for anyone, but then add to that nights alone, mornings alone, early afternoons alone... sometimes it feels like I'm a single parent! Not placing any blame here on Peter - AT ALL - it's just the way that it is.

So thanks Gams and Pops for coming to my rescue this morning. Seriously appreciated.


Kristi said...

i feel like this alot too. michael leaves early in the morning and gets home around 7:30pm. so all meals are just me. i see dads at quinn's swim lessons coming in fresh from work. it makes me sad a little. i feel pretty exhausted all the time. i have nobody, i mean nobody to help. it is such a blessing that you have a supportive family. xo

Susan said...

so glad you were able to sleep so soundly...