Sunday, August 22, 2010


My birthday started out a bit questionable - I just wasn't sure if it was going to turn into a good day. Cruz didn't sleep very well through the night and I got up tired. Well actually Cruz and Ry both got up at 6am and I was up with them until Peter got home at 7:30 with donuts. He took the kids and I went back to sleep, though it wasn't a solid sleep.

By the time 10am rolled around, Ryenne was in a horrible mood. I sent her to bed (with HUGE protest) and soon as she was down Cruz blew out his poopy diaper all over my shirt.

I was a little down and feeling overwhelmed and tired. When Cruz and Ry were asleep, my day completely changed.

I've been having a hard time grasping that my sweet, amazing Kai Boy has hit the Terrible Two's. He has been so rascally. But then one of my favorite songs came on Pandora - White Sandy Beach of Hawaii - and Kai came over and said, "Dance" and reached up to me. So I danced with my Kai Boy. Yep. I was a full on emotional crazy person. But really it made my morning. Lately he has been turning away from the camera... but here's my sweet boy.



Love his smile!!!

So after that my day got better. Peter woke up and I got to take a shower, brush my hair, and put on non ratty clothes.

Peter got this of me and my babies. Love it!

Then Gams and Pops came over and we had an amazing dinner of fried scallops, princess broccoli, french bread with butter... and my favorite chocolate mousse pie for dessert. I think this pie should be called, "The Religious Experience" because really it's like angels are singing when you eat it.


Don't touch... this is my piece!!

My mom made me this adorable Apron. I LOOOOOVE it!!!!

Oh boy I was soooo stuffed after dinner. After I came off the sugar high I had a great night's sleep. It was a great 30th birthday!


KC said...

Happy Birthday Mariah!!!! Welcome to the 30 club - it's a good place to be:) It's funny because my birthday morning was pretty tough too, I had two really overtired girls and I think we all wanted to throw ourselves on the floor and cry. Looks like your day turned around. I love the photo with your kids - beautiful. Hope you have another amazing year, full of new and wonderful adventures!

Susan said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope our little gift made it there and I didn't even know it was your bday ;)

Kristi said...

Happy 30th my friend.

ps. the apron is soooo cute.