Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 11, 1997. I met my best friend and partner for life. I wish we could have spent the day together. I wish we could have enjoyed the Maui sun together today. I miss you Peter! 

He sent me flowers... 

I took the older two to a birthday party at Wahikuli. The water was gorgeous. Ryenne played with her friends Taylor and Nicole. Kai watched all the boogie boarders. He started out with his board shorts but ended up nekkid, as usual.

I was very proud of him. There was a bounce castle and if you know him, you know that he wants to jump on a trampoline or bouncy toy, but hasn't gotten the courage to actually do it. He'll go up to it like he's going to do it and then freeze. He stood at the doorway to the bounce house for a good 10 minutes today. He would leave and then go back. And repeat. And then.... 5 minutes before we left, he went inside. He jumped. He yelled, "Mommy! Look a me! I jumping! I jumping!!" and he had a smile from ear to ear. It was definitely one of those special moments.

Ryenne is a little fish. She is amazing in the water. She played in waves and in the sand. She laughed and giggled and was beautiful to watch.

It was a really wonderful day.

Happy 14th Peter. I love you babe!!

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