Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Happy Birthday Kai Boy

Rewind to October 1, 2008 - our little Kai Boy was born. In Texas. Over 2 Weeks Late. He was due on September 15th and decided he wanted to come in October. He was, ironically, my smallest baby!

Kai is my second miracle baby. Ryenne my first, of course. But we didn't know if we could have more children and Kai Boy came along and surprised us in more ways than I could have ever known. Aside from surprising us with his presence in our lives, he surprised us by his strength to pull through a variety of things.

I think we named him well. Kai is the sea. The sea is strong. The sea rolls through ebb and flow. The sea provides, nourishes, soothes, and scares us all at the same time. All of those things describe this amazing little boy.

In his short 5 years he has taught me so much about life and how to pull strength and courage from places I didn't know existed. He taught me it's ok to ask for help when it's needed.

I won't ever forget the feelings I had when I thought I was losing him. I have tucked those into my memory because now when I look at him, I see the sparkle in his eyes, the muscle tone that his face has regained, the words that flow from his mouth - sometimes thoughts that are so profound for a little boy. I see a scientific, methodical mind full of questions. I see a boy who always wants to do big boy things with his dad. A boy who thinks he's big but wants his mommy to hold him like a baby and proclaim he's never moving far from me.

I see so much for his future. I'm so incredibly proud.

Some notable things about Kai Boy:
He thinks he's a ninja, but he says Minja
He loves Filipino Food and French Fries
He is loving kindergarten

Happy 5th Birthday Kai Boy!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Love his story. Love that you used your momma instincts to help him.