Sunday, February 13, 2011


I read a comment about possibly moving back Home when the kids are bit older - after they've had a good educational foundation built in mainland schools. Made me dream. 

I am doing a 30 Day song challenge on Facebook and today's theme is a song that reminds me of a place. Not so hard. 

Na Leo Pilimehana "I Miss You My Hawaii"

I hear the wind traveling down the Ko'olau
It touches my skin and makes me think of 
how much I miss you, my Hawaii

I breathe the fragrance of the yellow ginger lei
I look inside myself to find the words to say
How much I miss you, my Hawaii

Everytime I stop to watch the moon dance 
across the early evening sky
Everytime I hear a country tune I can see the 
shores of Wai'anae 
Everytime I listen to my heart telling me it longs
to go back home
And it makes me want to 
Cause I miss you, my Hawaii

I catch the glimmer of your face across the sky
I watch the setting sun and I begin to cry
Because I miss you, my Hawaii

I rest my head upon the sands of Waikiki
I close my eyes and I hear you calling me
How I miss you, my Hawaii

1 comment:

Kristi said...

me too. there is not a week that goes by that we don't discuss going back.