Monday, May 28, 2012

Friday and Saturday and Sunday

Friday was the graduation and Aloha Party at Kai's preschool.

It was absolutely adorable. Here is a video of one of the songs that kids sung by Frank DeLima - "Small Opihi"

Kai is in the front toward the right wearing brown shorts, a white shirt, and a yellow hat. "Please don't eat me... I just one small opihi..." super catchy.

Sitting on stage playing with his shorts.

Then he got a little "diploma" since he was in the graduating 4 year old class - even though he'll be back next year for the 4 year old class again.

All over the auditorium they had little drawings that the kids had made and "passports" in folders. The teachers wrote down exactly what the kids said. Here's Kai's:

Little dude needs to learn his birthday! haha It's October 1st! 

Saturday was a full day. I had a wedding in the afternoon but took the morning to clean the kids room and the play room. Both rooms were a disaster that I had been avoiding. DONE! Two GIANT bags of toys and outgrown clothes (Ryenne) went to Savers.
Cruz and Ryenne in the cleaned Play room!

Kai showing off his bed.
Now it's Sunday and Kai, Cruz, and Peter have caught the flu from Papa and Landon. I got a migraine today so it was just "lovely" (insert sarcasm). It's been rainy and cold in Makawao all day - kinda perfect for taking out the sofabed and lounging on pillows in the blankets.

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