Tuesday, May 01, 2012


I don't even know how I did everything I did today. Usually I end my day feeling as if I've fallen short... should have played more, should have done more dishes, should have done more laundry, should have tickled more... I think most of us end our day like that. There simply aren't enough hours in the day.

Today I skipped CrossFit - just need another recovery day from the ass kicking I received on Friday. I started laundry first thing. Did the mound of dishes in the sink. Loved on Kai and Cruz. Picked up Ry from school. Kept up with the laundry. By the time 3pm rolled around, I was pooped and Peter was leaving for work.

Drank some coffee and decided to make it a great afternoon with the Littles.

We rode bikes on our street. Then we went around our yard picking flowers for Ryenne's lei that is due tomorrow for Lei Day.
Ry's lei made of Spider Lilies, Puakenikeni's, and some purple Lily.
Kai and Cruz ran around the yard half naked playing in the mud and riding bikes. Then we made pizza and had a picnic in the gazebo.
Picnic in the gazebo between our house and Auntie Emi's house
Ry asked to play photographer and got some great shots with my phone!

After our picnic we ate coconut ice cream on the front porch and watered the garden (aka played in the mud). Then it was bathtime. 3 more loads of laundry done (gonna finish folding after this). Cruz is passed out on the couch.

Definitely feel like a ton was done today. I am POOPED!!! Didn't exercise but was definitely moving a lot today!

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