Sunday, December 05, 2010

You are what you eat.

Over and over I've heard, "You are what you eat" and when I thought about that I thought, "Well I guess I don't mind being a little bit 'o chocolate cake!" I think I misread that quote into thinking it was fabulous to have a sugar coated personality :) 

I figured out that my last few days have been not so good because 1) I had missed a day of beloved coffee and 2) for some reason I hadn't taken my protein shake for about 3 days (must have forgotten?)

Throughout this body change of mine, and this discovery between our environment, our food, and our bodies with Kai, I have come to learn that the quote should really mean, EAT how you want to FEEL. 

In my old life I loved me some fast food, local plate lunches, and ice cream and cake. The problem is that when I have it, I want it more and more. It's a cycle. 

I wanted to share my protein shake recipe because after taking it for the last 8 months I have finally perfected it. It was missing *something* and yesterday I figured out what it was. I use Nature's Gate Spiru-tein protein powder because it's GMO free, organic, and not only contains three types of protein, but it also has my full days vitamins, fiber, spirulina, and other minerals. So here's my recipe:

8 oz water
1 scoop vanilla spiru-tein
half a frozen banana (fresh if I forgot to freeze it)
1/2 C frozen blueberries
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon (this was the ingredient that had been missing!)
Blend and enjoy! 

I have also discovered another indulgence that feels like I'm being bad but makes my body happy. They are Erin Bakers Breakfast Cookies. These things are packed full of whole grains, nuts, and raisins. They do have a high calorie count, but it's the good stuff that keeps you full for a long time. I can do one of these for breakfast or for lunch and it gives me a great amount of energy.

Before this journey with Kai, I was very skeptical of vitamins and supplements. VERY skeptical. But I have learned that our bodies do need these nutrients that we often don't get through regular daily eating (how many of us truly eat Kale daily?). So I have the kids on multi-v's, DHA, Omega 3's, Calcium, Elderberry.... and I'm now adding one more. It's called Super Green's and I'll be adding it to smoothies for them (and probably for Peter and me too). It will add over 45 antioxidant rich fruits and veggies to their daily diet. My goal is to pump our bodies up into well oiled machines to fight any wintertime colds and flu. If anyone else is interested in these super greens, I have it on high authority from a friend Lyndsay, that this product is AWESOME.

So I have had friends ask me what my typical eating day is like. Yes I'm counting my calories. And I allow two days for some wiggle room. Sunday morning breakfasts at my parents are sacred. And the joy of that breakfast is that everything is homemade FOOD - not processed stuff. And the other day is Tuesday when Peter and I go out for a lunch date while the two older monkeys are at school.

So here's my typical day:

Iced Coffee (One Tbsp instant coffee, 2 Truvia packets, water, 2 Tbsp coffee creamer, ice)
1 Breakfast Cookie

Morning Snack
Smoothie (see above)

1 scrambled egg with spinach, tomato, zucchini, half a serving of sharp cheddar in a high fiber tortilla
cup of green tea or water
(I may add a coffee here if I'm tired, which is most days)

Afternoon Snack
Handful of raw trail mix (raisins, seeds, nuts - all non roasted and non salted)

Whatever I've made for the family - usually a small portion - but lately all I've wanted at dinner is water and a small bowl of cereal (I've been loving Kix lately)

Generally my caloric intake for the day is about 1550 to 1650 calories. I guestimate that my previous caloric intake daily was about 2200 calories+

When I stray far from the whole grains, veggies, and fruits that my body is now used to, I don't feel good. I guess my body is turning into more of a "machine" - which is a good thing. It makes me excited to know that I'm giving it good things and in turn it's giving me energy back. I just feel "right" that I went about this in the right way.

I am  trying to go more organic with everything, but it's hard because organic is so expensive. So I'm really sticking to it with the foods that are most recommended as organic "The Dirty Dozen." 

So there's what I'm doing for all who were interested. I still enjoy an ice cream here or there, a cookie, pancakes.  Just all in moderation. And if I do splurge, the rest of the day is super good so I don't feel like crap by the end!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this, I'm going to try the shake and I'm going to start giving Bella some of the sumplements you suggested.