Thursday, January 06, 2011

The end of Christmas

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous. I asked the older kiddos to help me with a photography project. I posted the first tutorial on aperture on my business site here. Ryenne was a perfect angel being my model. I was giving her a bath yesterday and reflected on how big she's getting. Such a big girl already...

When Cruz was napping we headed outside. Ryenne found a bug by the front door.
I took Kai by the side of the house and he was dancing. I thought this face was so hilarious. I know it's not the most flattering, but it's just so funny.
I love his surfer boy hair.

January and almost 80 degrees in Austin, Texas!
The leaves are still falling off the trees in our neighborhood. Ryenne loves collecting them.
Peter took down the Christmas lights. We were all sad to see the lights packed away. But only 11 months till they come out again! :)
Ryenne dancing in front of Frosty before he went back into his box.
I kept trying to get a picture of them together sitting on this step. They wouldn't do it until I said, "You guys aren't allowed to sit on the front step. Don't go over there." Sure enough they both went. Hehe

Okay don't laugh. I am terrified of chemicals now since Kai's ordeal. I have vowed never to dye my hair again. I used to love dye my hair - anything from burgundy to black, to light brown, ect. Lately I've felt like I might want to try something even more drastic like pink or purple or something. Well I found a seller on Etsy called Miss Violet Lace and she has some really amazing wig colors. Peter helped me pick out this burgundy number. I just thought it would be so much fun to hit the town looking like a different person and spice things up. The wig arrived yesterday and I was so excited to put it on. I think it's really, really fun and beautiful. I truly did feel like I had an alter ego when I wore it. My friend Debbie named her "Veronica" LOL. I think my next one will be jet black with peacock blue streaks.


Anonymous said...

You look amazing in the wig!!!

Marti said...

Oh, my, goodness! That wig is soooo great! I love it on you. Well, that plus make up. Ha! Love these photos. Kai's eyes are so bright and alive. Makes my heart sing. :)

Kristi said... look AMAZING. so beautiful. i am off to see if your tutorial can help me. did you ever take photography classes or are you self taught?

Kristi said...

ps. what does peter think of his hot wife?

Mariah said...

Kristi Peter LOVED the wig. He was totally tripping out. I admit that I truly felt like a different person! I hope the tutorial helps you. I am completely self taught. I am on Canon right now but am pining to switch to Nikon. Which Nikon do you use?