Thursday, January 13, 2011


Tuesday night I  started feeling yucky. My left shoulder and my left back muscles were hurting. I woke up Wednesday feeling cold. "Uh-oh... I've got a cold" I thought to myself.

Thankfully Peter was off during the day and took Kai to therapy and my mom came over and watched Ryenne and Cruz. As I laid in my bed the world started turning, my head started pounding (right side), and my face warped itself into spasms as a full fledged migraine came on.

I haven't had a large migraine since 2003. I think my body has been giving me signs that something was coming for the last few weeks - forgetting words, spelling things backwards - and yesterday my body had a reaction in a huge way.

I slept almost all day. I was thankful that my room stays very dark as any ounce of light was painful. Even through my door when I heard the kids argue or laugh it hurt my head.

The headache started to lift at about 5pm. I was attacked by dizzy spells the remainder of the day and into the night. Thankfully the kids all slept pretty well last night. Today has been more dizzy spells and I am handing over the driving tasks to my mom to get the kids from school today. I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday to be checked out.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

i get migraines too, but nothing like that. go gently these next few days.