Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a day!!!

This morning I had my alarm set for 5:30am. My dad came over at 6am and I headed off to downtown for my first ever 5K! 

Downtown was jamming with people - 20,000 for the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon and I don't even know how many for the 5K, which started half hour after the marathon. 

I put on my bib and people watched. People watching is so funny. You see one person stretching and then you see someone else watch them and start mimicking the stretching. I almost giggled to myself several times. 

When they announced that it was going to start I followed the crowd and heard the airhorn and started jogging along with all the other participants.  I did my usual jog for one minute, speed walk for a minute and a half and alternate those two over and over. We started at the Capitol building and went up to U.T. and then down to the Paramount Theater on Congress. As I ran passed the finish line I was all smiles - I had never done anything like that before. I wore my Maui Built shirt. I showed shaka passing the finish line. It was awesome. 

This is me getting ready to go to the starting line. I wore a Breathe Right strip so I could breath easily while running (and no makeup of course)

Came home and worked some more on my Maui website. In addition to the wedding I have there in July I got a shoot in June too. And a wedding in Wimberley in April. Great way to round out my day. I think I'll sleep well tonight! 


Susan said...

I'm so proud of you. Way to go. I'm happy you took a picture. I looked at your Maui site today. What a terrific idea. Love the idea of you spending summers there. Brilliant thinking.

Kristi said...

you inspire me regularly. xo.

Lacey | Michael | Leilani said...

You're so inspirational, Mariah! Keep it up!