Friday, April 01, 2011

Big, Big News!

Big news today.... Kai pooped in the potty.

It was at my last day of preschool photos and I came home and Gams told me that Kai had been going shishi in the potty chair all day. He had a little accident, but overall did great. Peter and I decided to head to Wal-Mart to get him some big boy underwear. He picked out Lighting McQueen and Thomas underpants. We came home and he put them on. He had a BIG shishi accident during dinner, but we brushed it off. At bathtime I asked him if he had to go again. He jumped on the potty and POOPED! WOW! Anyone who knows Kai knows that this is big. The boy literally poops 4 - 5 times a day. If he starts pooing in the potty regularly, this is such a score for his mama who is so tired of 5 big boy poops a day!

In other news, if you're a fan of my Photography by Mariah Milan Facebook Fan Page (say that 5 times fast!) you've seen a sneak of a few images from our bluebonnet photo session. Bluebonnets are elusive little flowers here in Texas that come out for about 2 - 3 weeks during the Spring. These suckers are POPULAR. They ARE pretty and since we didn't get much rain, the pickings are slim for fields.

I don't have much bluebonnet experience because both seasons we've been here I've had a newborn and didn't want to go hunting for a giant field, which I guess is sorta a Texas tradition. This year, I did want to find more of a field. My mom mentioned that she had seen a field and it wasn't far from us. SCORE!

I headed over to Gams house to pick up Ryenne and Gams. It was last Sunday so it was Ryenne's special time at Gams' house. They were gardening. Gams bought Ry rubber boots - pink ones. Melt.

I gave Ry a dress we got at Savers to wear - it's seersucker and so sweet. She actually likes this dress. She asked if she could wear her boots. I love her boots and as a bonus they would protect her from fire ants. This next photo reminds me so much of me as a child. Always looking at my shoes. 
 Gams came along to help me with my "vision" of my three monkeys together in the bluebonnets. This was complete hilarity. Nobody would look at me. Kai had a meltdown. I love this first image because Gams is in it. I don't think she realized she was going to be in any, but it's so sweet to see her with the kiddos. Love it.
 This one cracks me up - it's probably my favorite of the three of them together because they are all doing their own thing - everyone is looking in different directions. This is so them.

 Ryenne and Cruz did AMAZING as my little models. Cruz was such a good boy. He was so interested in the flowers and didn't crawl all over the place. He was just such a good boy. Ryenne turned on her "inner model" and worked it for the camera.

 Meanwhile, this was Kai...
 We decided to try a different spot in our neighborhood which has a bunch of Mexican Poppy's blooming. It's so pretty! Ryenne was almost done so she was starting to pout. She looked cute.
 And Kai decided he wanted to be a big boy.
 And Cruzito wanted to touch the flowers. He was so gentle!
Ry wondered off in a huff. She looked beautiful in the meadow of gorgeous light.
Beautiful and very special. What a wonderful few days!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

stunning. i wish i could take photos like that. your amazing.