I'm a little lazy to load in the newest set of pictures off the camera. It's 11:15pm and I'm just taking a moment to myself to work on some clients pictures and unwind a little.
Ryenne has rolled over on her own once. She was actually really pissed off about it! hahaha - She was in her crib and was very mad that I put her their. She rolled over and since she hates tummy time, it made her even more mad to be on her stomach! But it was a milestone nonetheless!
We had such a wonderful day today. Leizl and Steven came over and me, Peter, Ryenne, and Leizl and Steve got breakfast and went swimming in Martin's pool. Ryenne just loved it. She went skinny dipping and kick-kicked around and loved the water as usual. It's so awesome how much she loves the water. We'll make plenty of beach trips for sure!
I'm a little bummed because I don't get to see my mom before she goes to the mainland tomorrow. She'll be gone for a little over a month. So Ryenne will be a whole month older and lots bigger I'm sure!
I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!!