Friday, April 21, 2006

More Updates

We went on a tour of the maternity ward at the hospital the other day. Very informative I must say. I still don't want to have to stay there very long! LOL... I dunno.. something about hospitals.

We also had some pregnancy photos taken and I'm very happy with the results. I'll post those separately...

Letsee, I'm 33 weeks along now and had a good Dr. appointment this morning. Got to hear that wonderful heartbeat. Ryenne is head down already and definitely moving around quite a bit. I think she thinks it's hilarious to beat on my bladder whenever she gets the chance.

Meanwhile, my ice cream obsessions continue and it's almost the only thing I want to eat. LOL. Well.. ice cream and chocolate milk. hehe =)

Got a few things for her room today - some beautiful vintage looking flower fairy wall hangings and a chair rail and paint. Mom is so graciously going to paint the room and it's going to be so cute! Once it's all done, I'll definitely post pictures.

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