Thursday, May 28, 2015

May Day 2015

Aaaaand we've finished out May Days for both schools! We missed May Day last year because we were off island so it was really special to have Kai Boy's first official May Day ever and Ry's first at her new school! It's a little hard to see them in the videos but they're in there! Kai boy is wearing rainbow shorts and Ry is on the stage slightly right of the middle.

Kai's May Day performance was to Kolohe Kai's "Good Morning Hawaii" and it was so cute because he has been practicing for weeks. Whenever I asked him what song he was performing to, he always said he couldn't remember but that his favorite part was "You are the empress of my heart" and then I'd get a hug. It was really hot and really crowded so we actually walked back home after the Kinder performance (we're so bad!).

Kai's Video (must open on actual web)

Ryenne's May Day was really unique in that it had a theme! The theme was Na Wai Eha, the Four Waters, and each grade did a performance about returning Mauka to Makai water flow for the four streams of Waikapu, Wailuku, Wai'ehu, and Waihe'e. It was incredibly well done, nicely thought out, and turned the entire thing into a political education (bonus that County heads were there to hear the kids demanding water back to the community!). 

Ryenne's Video (must open on actual web):

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