Saturday, April 27, 2013

Can I Cut My Hair?

The other day I told Kai I was thinking about a hair cut since his surfer hair was growing in all different lengths and needed a trim.

"Mom? Can I cut my hair? Into a mohawk?" he asked. His eyes were shining and he told me he was a big boy.

"That would look great on you!" I told him and he was excited. He wanted to make sure it was the kind that could stand up.

Grandma Marissa has a lady that cuts her hair and we met at their house for a backyard haircut. Afterward, he was itchy and just wanted to take a bath. I had a wedding this morning, but when I got home he asked if we could "Spike it up". I sprayed it with hairspray and he asked to see it in the mirror.

I wish I had a video camera going when he saw himself in the mirror. He grinned ear to ear. He was so proud of his new haircut. He immediately ran to get his new shoes and asked if we could do a quick photo shoot.

He is growing SO MUCH. He is eating more too, which makes me happy. Today he ate a whole bowl of tunafish all by himself.

Here's my big boy - styled by himself and showing off his new haircut.

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