Saturday, March 08, 2008

12 Weeks

Well... the first trimester is officially OVER!!! YAHOOOOO !!!! That thrills me beyond measure as I'm hoping to start feeling better soon.

Ryenne has a little cold and isn't sleeping well. She's tired. I'm tired. But she's being good and she gets a thrill out of her saline nose spray. She says "Nose Medicine" and sticks it up her nose. It's pretty funny.

I've got everything all set to go visit my parents next month. I'm so excited! I tell Ry everyday that we're going to ride an airplane and she gets excited. I'm totally stoked to be flying down to Austin, Texas to go check it out with my dad. Hopefully we'll move from Maui shortly after P-2 is born.

That's all the updates for now. No new pictures - need to buy a new card reader.

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