Sunday, May 31, 2009

This is so silly, really. I don't know what's come over me!

Okay let me just start this by saying YES... I know that I am 28 years old. YES... I am a responsible parent and I am madly in love with my gorgeous husband. But I have been overcome by the Twilight madness that is circling the nation.

Tonight on MTV I ogled the MTV awards waiting for the New Moon movie trailer (the second book in the series). And every time they showed Rob Pattinson, the actor who portrays the amazing Edward (the vampire), my stupid heart went nutso. What the heck is it about this series that has me going all teeny bopper bananas??? And what is about this Rob dude playing this role? I am not even attracted to white guys... and yet he is fabulous!?!?!

The good thing about this is I have a great sense of humor about it and will totally admit it. Even Peter knows I'm crazy and loves me all the same. :)

So here is my Edward and Bella... in all their gorgeousness.... Oh woops... am I drooling? Dangit... I don't mean to, really!!! Just can't help myself....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah. He's hottttte. Love him. I can't wait for New Moon to come out on DVD. So enjoyed it in the theater.