Friday, July 01, 2011


The other nights sunset was ON FIRE. It was gorgeous. I was a little bummed I didn't have a shoot that night - BUT - it was still awesome since I was in the backyard watching it with a fresh coconut in hand. These shots are completely unedited (just resized)

We're all doing good. Missing Peter a lot. A really lot. We've been heading to the beach and to playdates with friends this week. I just have one shoot and it's tomorrow. 

I've been stalling with my weight loss and I think it's because I haven't been tracking my calories. So I'm on day two of tracking again and I've also started a new workout regimen designed for women. I just started it today and it kicked my butt. I have five more days and then a rest day. Felt like a total spaz while doing it. But it was cool and I was a sweaty mess afterward.

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