Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Oh what a lovely weekend we had. Peter did work, but we took advantage of the daytime.

I have to say that I really look forward to Friday nights. It's a new routine and I love it. Fridays after school, we all head to Napili. The kids faces light up as they realize they are about to be spoiled by their grandparents. And Peter and my faces light up as we realize that we get a morning to sleep in!

On Saturday we headed to Napili Bay. There were big waves and as usual my three were fearless.
Ryenne and Kai racing in the water

Little Girl wouldn't stay still!

Cruz is such a water baby!

This was right before he charged the wave, huli'd, and I had to rescue him.


Cruz the nekkid water baby!

On Sunday we went to Baby Beach in Lahaina with dear friends. The water was flat as a lake and a mama and baby whale played right off the reef. The Mama whale was showing the baby how to breach. It was AMAZING. Wish I had my camera for it. Everyone on the beach was clapping. Ryenne loved it!

It was such a perfect weekend. Everyone had a nice layer of salt and golden to their skin. Looking forward to more weekends like this!

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