Saturday, July 09, 2005

Done with Clomid - On to Gonal F!

OK - so I finished my four days of Clomid at 150mg (the max dose) and had my first injection of Gonal F yesterday. I get another one today. The nurse did it yesterday and Peter gets the honor of shooting my drugs today! haha

The Gonal F is supposed to stimulate my ovaries into creating follicles and eggs. I'll go in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to check to see if I'm responding to the Gonal F and doctor should be able to tell if I'll ovulate.

In the meantime, I am EXHAUSTED. I'm working too much and Peter and I have opposite schedules. I miss him so much. I hate going to bed by myself every single night.

We're going to Lanai in one week for four nights. I can't wait. I need a break, big time!

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