Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It was ALL worth it

Today was CRAZY!!! I had a doctor appointment scheduled for 10:45am, but there was a huge fire on the Pali (the cliffs/hwy to Kahului) and the road was closed. But I HAD to go to the doctor because it was very important for the doc to look at my ovaries on cycle day 11.

Anyways, I waited in traffic for two and a half hours before I finally made it through and the doctor saw me. It looks like I'm responding to the Clomid/Gonal F combination!

I have TWO FOLLICLES growing! The doctor would like the follicles to be about 2 cm, but right now they are about 1.2 and 1.5. So I have to go back on Thursday for another ultrasound and if they're big enough, I get another shot that's supposed to force ovulate. So there's a chance that this may work and we won't have to go do the IVF. Hopefully we'll get one or two healthy eggs!! YEEYAH!

Ok, but that's not where all the craziness ends. I had to GO BACK to the West side for a wedding at Napili Point so I waited in traffic for another two and a half hours - but I made it to the wedding and the couple was adorable and it was all good.

So anyway, it was ALL WORTH IT. I have follicles growing and I'm suuuuper positive. =)

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