Ryenne Alicia Grace Waiwaipuhia Dagupion made her grand entrance into the world on June 5, 2006 at 6:21pm!
I was having a lot of pelvic pressure over the weekend and decided to go to Kaiser on Monday to be checked out. After being monitored, we discovered I WAS having regular contractions, but wasn't feeling them, and was dialated almost to 4 centimeters.
Knowing the approximate size of the baby, Peter and I, as well as the doctors, felt that a C-Section was our safest option. We didn't want to risk her getting stuck in the birth canal, as shoulder distotia is a large possibility with a baby of her size.
We had a choice of going right in, or waiting until Friday. Not wanting to wait until Friday with all the discomfort, we opted to go right in! I called Peter at work and let him know to meet me at the hospital (boy did he make it there quick!).
I went into prep and it took 7 spinal attempts before they finally got me numb. Going numb was one of the strangest sensations I have ever felt! Peter got to come in and witness her coming out, although no cameras were allowed. Once the doctors got her out, the room was alive with uproar as they all started taking bets on her weight. It was hilarious! Peter was all smiles, and once I heard her cry, it was such an amazing feeling I got all teary.
They whisked her away after a quick glance and I was sewn up and sent to recovery. Once I got out, I got to see her and hold her. Now I understand the instant love between parent and child. It's an emotion that I couldn't even begin to comprehend before.
She is 21.5 inches long and a whopping 9lbs, 10oz! She has a beautiful head of hair... she is our little monkey!
C-Section patients are supposed to stay in the hospital for 3 nights. I was NOT a happy camper in the hospital. It was very difficult for me to be without Peter in the night. I started walking the halls the morning after the C-Section. I spoke with the doctor, and got to come home at 12noon today - only a day and a half in the hospital! WooHoo!! It feels so great to be home!
We are having some difficulties with breast feeding. Because of her size, she is a HUNGRY baby. My milk hasn't yet come in, but we are having success with her latching on and getting the colostrum - but she's still hungry afterward. So hopefully the milk will come in soon!
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