Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What a Day...

We just passed night two of Ryenne sleeping in her own bed. Yes, she's still in our room but BABY STEPS! LOL

She was up at the butt-crack of dawn - well even before dawn - and Peter was up with her first and then we traded. She was so excited to go to school today. Such a good girl when I took her! I was hoping Kai was gonna sleep while she was gone. Boy was I mistaken! He has been really clingy all day. I've had a sore throat since last night and now I feel my ears all stuffed up. I sure hope he isn't getting it!

Anyway, since he was awake and I couldn't sleep or fold clothes, I decided to pretend I was visiting a clients house and set up my stands and white backdrop. Got some great awake shots, then nursed and he FINALLY passed out half hour before I was to pick up Ry. Got some great sleeping shots and then off to pick up Ms. Ryenne.

OMG she was a wreck! She was so mean - hitting me and screaming at me. I've never seen a hissy fit like that before out of her! Brought her straight home and into the naughty spot she went. That didn't work so I put her in her portacrib in her room and let her stay there for a bit. Holy Moly it was gnarly!

See below for Kai-boy's pictures. I'm my best client for right now!

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