Saturday, June 26, 2010

2 Years

Ryenne and I just made two years in Texas. It's wild that she has now spent half of her life living on Maui and the other half here in Austin.

I keep daydreaming about taking all three of the kids to the beach back on Maui. I am praying for a day when I can take them back every summer to be lazy with their grandparents and spend time at the beach everyday. Doesn't that sound just perfect? If I could work it to be in Austin for 10 months and Maui for two months that would just be the most perfect scenario (note to mom & dad Dagupion... that means we'd take over your house for 2 months.. hehehe).

Today I had quite a moment though... I was driving to a photo shoot in Buda - a little town just south of Austin that I adore - it was hot (very hot), I had the windows down, the music turned up - it was just me - And I looked around and thought to myself... My gosh this place is beautiful. It really is... it has a beauty to it that is lovely. The countryside is quite stunning and reminds me so much of Upcountry Maui (less the view and mountains) that I just feel HOME.

Looking back on these last two years, I find it incredibly amazing that I stepped off that plane with a little girl who was 2 years old and was pregnant. In that two years I've had two children!!! Can you believe that??? 2 sweet little boys in less than 2 years. CRAZY! But then I often feel that way... like a crazy person who's bitten off more than they can chew and wouldn't trade it for anything. Well some parts I could trade. :)

After the photo shoot we threw the kids into the pool (I got in with Cruz) and enjoyed the heat of the day, the sounds of the crazy cicadas in the trees, splashed. It was a complete summertime moment.

A few days ago I was on a blog I frequent that has a question of the day and you answer it. The question that I had answered was "What makes you think of summertime?" and my answer that day was "the smell of salt water embedded on my skin as a kid running around Kuau Cove." But today changed everything. Today my answer would have been, "throwing the kids in a pool with baby soap, splashing, soaking up the last of the day's sun, and going to bed clean and happy. " ... perfection, don't you think?

1 comment:

Kristi said...
