Wednesday, June 02, 2010


This is totally the wrong season for it... but I am really loving baking with Ryenne. We've been taking on baking projects together and I've been exploring new recipes to try.

We ate the black bean brownies before I could photograph them. We also ate the zucchini bread before I could photograph that. And we're continuing with our trend of normally savory foods in a sweet dish with a new recipe I found for Olive Rosemary Cake. This time I had the camera at the ready.

Mixing the eggs.

I'm not even going to apologize for my cluttered kitchen!

Deep in thought sifting the flour (I love this one!)

I love this one too...

Some of our ingredients... eggs, dark chocolate, and rosemary

She added the rosemary herself. We talked about how it smelled and she rolled the leaves between her fingers to release the aroma. She said it smelled good.

And then into the oven it went - only me for that part - and we waited for it to be done. I made spaghetti for dinner - a good vegetable filled 'sgetti followed by our rustic dessert. Here is the finished bread.

I put it under the broiler for the last minute of baking so the sugar on top would caramalize. It definitely gave it a nice crust! The kids were excited to try it. It definitely has a sweet/savory taste to it. Probably would have been more of a hit if the chocolate were milk chocolate. It isn't the sweetest cake so the kids were a little disappointed. I'm glad we tried it though. I was so intrigued! The zucchini bread and black bean brownies were definitely bigger hits. Next on the list is a carrot caked sweetened with only bananas and dates. I'll be sure to post that one. If you want to try the Olive Rosemary Cake, you can find the recipe here.

While the cake was baking, I snapped a few images of Cruz who is so huge. He is now officially in a size 3 diaper and size 12 month onesies. I can't believe it. He turns 3 months on Friday!


And I just love how he curls up his legs and feet. One of the sweetest things ever!!!



Susan said...

in love with those feet...going to snap one of Max's feet just like it. Well if I could figure out how to get my camera set up right it would be the same. But I'll do my best. LOVE them

Kristi said...

i am loving all these photos you are posting, it has been a while.