Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

I feel like I'm in such a limbo land right now. HURRY UP and WAIT! We got our list of things we need to fix on the house for the buyers. I was dreading it. It's honestly not too bad of a list, but it's the money I'm most worried about. This has already been the worst Fall season for tips we've experienced.

It's still too early to find a rental to move into so I feel like I don't know where I'm going yet. It's really troublesome on my mind since I love to plan things like this. I want to know where I'm going to be. So I'm just waiting until we can go looking so I'll feel more steady about everything. I'm nervous about qualifying for a rental. We have to prove income and right now it's teeny-tiny. I think after the house wipes out our savings we'll be able to qualify for food stamps so that will help. I just applied for reduced lunch for Ryenne and hope we get it. It will reduce her lunch from $2.10 to $.30.

I don't usually like to post financial things, but right now it's really tight and really scary and we're going to lose the only cushion we have to the sale of the house. I'm ok with this. The house is too big and too much money. I am really excited about a smaller space with lower utility costs. And as crazy as it sounds, I'm excited to organize all my crap. It seems like with a big space you just have room to put so much STUFF. Looking forward to downsizing.

So all my readers.... please just send some positive thoughts out into the Universe that everything will work out just as it should and that this transition in our life will go smoothly.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

i know it will. x.