Friday, March 26, 2010

venturing out - the Salt Lick

We wanted to take Marissa & Eugene out for some authentic Texas BBQ. So we headed out to the Salt Lick in Driftwood.

Everything tasted wonderful, but it was tough being out. Ryenne was in a stinky mood the entire time. Kai ate quickly and then wanted to get out and run and there were just too many cars and people to let him run around. So he quickly got into a bad mood. Cruz slept while I ate but then woke and needed to nurse so out to the car I went.

I think it will be a while before we go out as a family out to eat again. It was rough - no lie!


Cruz's first time to the Salt Lick!


Ok so this is our first family picture as a family of 5. You can tell Ry and Kai are totally "over it" and poor Peter spent the entire meal giving directions to Koa so he barely got to eat. On the plus side, those are all non-maternity clothes I'm wearing. I fit right back into my regular jeans - yay!


And Grandma and Papa had to be in a picture too of course.



Kristi said...

It's not just you, it's us too. Kids seem to like the food but not the overall experience of eating out. At least we try right.

KC said...

I have to agree - eating out right now is just not that fun and definitely not relaxing! We finally got to a point where Kalia did great and now one of us spends the entire time chasing after Maya. But I as Kristi said, we try. It always seems like a good idea when you're sitting at home!