Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A few days ago our neighbors from Maui flew in to Austin to check out Marble Falls for a possible upcoming move. Huge dork that I am... forgot to take a picture with them while they were here! But it was a great visit and they brought some beautiful hand made soaps for the kids, an E Komo Mai sign for our front door, and a special fish for Cruz. Here he is with his very first Humuhumunukunukuapua'a!


Thank you Karen and Phil!!

And this seems to be Cruz's favorite sleep spot lately... right on daddy on the couch.


So today I got a real treat... I got to get out of the house without the kids with Peter and we went to watch Iron Man 2 at Alamo Drafthouse. That was my first time there. The movie was really entertaining and it felt so nice to dress up. Here we are all excited! And we hadn't even left the driveway yet... haha


So when we were driving down our street I noticed that Pops' truck was at the house in addition to Mom's. I joked to Peter, "Oh boy! I hope she didn't have to call Pops for backup!" and sure enough she had. They both had a rough few hours... SORRY GUYS! But THANK YOU so much for giving me a few hours of freedom!!!!

Cruz got major snuggles when I got home.


1 comment:

Kristi said...

The photo of you and Cruz is stunning. You must love it so. Glad you got some alone time with Peter.