Sunday, May 09, 2010

Swingset and Mother's Day

As promised... pictures of the kids on the new swingset! Only one of Ry. She had a meltdown and got sent on time-out.





Today is Mother's Day. I had a rough night last night with Cruz. I was hoping to sleep in, but Ryenne said, "Wake up Mama! I'm not going to tell you there's cards downstairs for you. And I'm not going to tell you the purple one is from me." She was so excited. How could I turn her down? So I got up.

I'll be perfectly honest and confess I was a bit miffed to wake up and see the table hadn't been wiped when it was my one request last night after I had done the dishes. So I cleaned that up and then sat down and opened a sweet card from each of the kids and from Peter. Ryenne made me a beautiful soap at school, too. I had to giggle because when I opened Peter's card, it was the same card that he got me last year. But really it's not what comes printed on the card that matters. It's what is hand written that is the most important to me.


I am having quite the morning though! Cruz has already thrown up on me, peed on me, pooped on me, and both Ry and Kai have each had a meltdown. 11am and I'm tired! Plus a little hormonal... my face has completely broken out in pimples and I want to hide under a rock.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

It is your first Mother's Day with Cruz, you knew you still had to initiated right. My milk came in with Quinn on my first Mother's day and it was so awful. Happy Mother's Day. Hugs.