Friday, December 16, 2011


It has been such a whirlwind lately. Sadly, I feel like it's not even Christmas.

Today I FINALLY feel like a normal person. I haven't been this sick in such a long time. There were moments where I felt I just couldn't do this by myself. And then Peter came to the rescue like a knight in shining armor to take the load off of me, to let me sleep, to let me regain my strength, to support me as a husband and as a father to the kids.

Our little Christmas tree sits alone in the corner of the room undecorated.  I haven't even gone Christmas shopping because I hate Wal-Mart (with a passion) and K-Mart is out of stock in just about everything. Anyway, I feel like I've missed this holiday season because of the move and because I was so sick. I haven't gotten to enjoy much of it at all and it makes me a little sad. I know that the kids don't know much of a difference yet, but it's still sad to think that none of our holiday things are here yet. I guess more sad for me than for them. Next year will be better. And of course we're back to Maui holiday schedules and Peter will be working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

I'm blessed to have two busy weeks coming up with lots of photography sessions. Tomorrow Peter and I get an entire day together to go Christmas shopping while the Littles stay with their grandparents. Excited to have some time with him without the monkeys. Maybe now that I'm better I can really start to enjoy soaking everything in that is "Maui at Christmas".

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