Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hotel gone bad

I was packing all the kids back into the car after a trip to the mall to play on the sea creature playground. Peter called and said his boss offered him a room (they had to meet a quota I believe) so we should come to the Westin so we could all swim in the morning. The only catch was that Peter worked until 1am.

So I drove to Makawao to grab overnight stuff and then headed to Kaanapali to check in to the Westin. The kids were overtired and bouncing off the walls once we arrived. We were on the 8th floor and Emmy was afraid of the height so she'd go over to the sliding door and just cry and cry. I spent the good part of 3 hours trying to get three Littles to stop yelling and to lay down. It was absolutely miserable.

The next morning Peter got Landon and we hit the pool. I didn't realize there wasn't a kid pool, so it was me and Peter with four children who can't swim, but think that they can. CHAOS. Sad to say this was the worst hotel trip I've ever had. I was stressed and unhappy and that's so not me.

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