Thursday, March 01, 2012

Leap Day

Yesterday we were talking about Leap Day - how it happens only once every 4 years. We had fun saying we were "leaping" off of things - the stairs, the chair, ect.

We were also looking forward to yesterday because we had a beach date with Pat and Landon and Shaun and Christine and the kiddos.

We headed to Launiupoko park after school and stayed until dark. We leaped into the water and off the rocks. It was spectacular.

My big Cruzer Boy. He already loves surfing.

Cruz laughing with the boogie board

Waiting for his "wave"

Kai was all about his surfing as well.

Ry preferred the ring. She could hop through the middle too.

Kai can stand on the board!

Ry lounging

Handsome Mr. Almost Two Years Old

Belle the Pitty Bull

We got one of us this time too!
Today we were talking about how we can't believe Cruz is going to be two on Sunday. Just can't believe it. Me and Ry just made him a special shirt this afternoon. You'll get to see it on Sunday for his party.

I got a very special card today from Crystal. Loved what it said!
Gotta love living in the NOW. 
And I am putting a web advertisement on a photography site for Maui. They asked for a picture of myself and I wanted a good one and always wanted to take one next to a spray painted "Inspire" on the old Paia Sugar Mill. Went down there with Peter and he snapped these for me. :)

See the streak of grey hairs???

This one from the cell phone.

INSPIRE!!!! Love it!
Peter took the boys to Napili for tonight and I have Ry all to myself. Headed to Kahului for a little girlie shopping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love all of the images! Beautiful!!!!!! Mama