Thursday, March 08, 2012


So I've been eating Paleo for almost a month. I LOVE it. Most of the time I love it. Occasionally I miss some bread and pasta. But on Cruz's birthday I gave in to cinnamon rolls (which were amazing) as well as lumpia and other no-no's and went to bed feeling really sick. Anyway... I have a significant amount of fat that I need to lose, especially around the mid-section and I think it's time to take care of this. It's really hard to exercise at home because Cruz and Kai try to climb all over me and it's frustrating. A lot of people who eat Paleo also do this exercise called CrossFit. So I went and checked it out today. Every day it's a different workout and you try to do it as fast as you can. I did it at 8am this morning. It is 6:30pm and I. AM. POOPED. It kicked my butt in a good way.

Actually, I started a second blog to track these goals and progress. You totally don't have to follow it - it's more for me than for anyone and will probably feature more swearing than you normally hear from me. You can find it here.

I am going back next week for three days of training to get familiar with all their moves and then will start two days a week after that. If you google CrossFit before and after photos, it's pretty amazing.

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