Sunday, May 06, 2012

Back and Forth

We got our financial aid back and the school can offer us about $100 off per month per child. That will hardly help.

So after thinking this over and weighing pro's and con's, here is what I'm thinking...

We moved back home knowing full well how shitty the school system is. I am sure we'll have an assortment of good teachers and bad teachers and we'll just take each thing as it comes.

I am going to use this summer to explore with the kids and do some home-school type stuff and some experimenting with their learning styles. I've sent off requests to Valley Isle Gymnastics for a once a week gymnastics class for Ry and Kai this summer - a special "date" they get once a week with me or Peter to join them just by themselves without the other kids around. We're also going to work on our garden and my friend Leeanna sent me a bunch of homeschool resources for ideas. So we'll get them in a learning mode during the summer and then just stay on top of public school so we can catch anything they are missing.

We have just a little bit more of school left... May 24th is the last day. Then summer begins! I am going to keep most of my mornings clear for beach days with the kiddos. Last summer I was shooting 2 a day sometimes 5 days a week. It was great money but really hard on me and the kids. I'm hoping for 5 sunset shoots a week and 2 morning shoots max. I hope that this schedule works out! C'mon bookings!

Today we took the monkeys to Napili Bay again. It was gorgeous. Everyone is golden. Lots of pictures were taken and I'll work on them this week.

1 comment:

Susan said...

YOU can do so much with homeschooling...really there are some GREAT things out there. So many. You are right when you say there are great teachers and not so great ones, no matter PRIVATE or PUBLIC schools