Monday, May 07, 2012

Completed CrossFit month 2 & ANSWERS!

Me!!! Two months in to CrossFit
I just finished my second month of CrossFit. I am really loving it. It's hard, but the support is amazing. I've been going three days a week and I might just bump it to four days - we'll see. Here's to a really awesome month 3!!

On another note, I am feeling much, much better. Our shower, a tile shower - which, by the way, is the stupidest thing ever to put tile anything in a humid, wet environment - had a lot of mold. Toward the bottom, the grout was actually missing (like it had been scrubbed off) and though I was always trying to clean it, it was embedded in these cracks and nothing would kill it.

I told my landlady that the grout was gone in the joints of the shower and my worry was that water was going to get under the tile and start eating away at the house. She had her handyman come and scrape all the grout and mold out and re-grout and seal the entire shower. BOOM - symptoms GONE. I went online to research mold and found that in some people exposure to mold can cause depression, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, and a multitude of other symptoms.

Since the previous tenants obviously didn't tackle this mold problem, we are making sure to spray the shower with a tea tree oil dilution after every shower to kill any mold spores that want to hang around. I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER! 

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