Sunday, May 13, 2012

I shouldn't have even logged into Facebook today.

Peter worked an overnight shift last night and another one tonight. It's hardly a family day. I felt pangs of jealousy as I saw friends on Facebook post pictures of their cards and flowers and "spa day" gifts and breakfast in bed delivered by smiling husbands and kids. I watched my mother in law and Pat's girlfriend receive cards and flowers. I felt sad that my one thing related to Mother's Day was a text message from my husband saying, "Happy Mother's Day".

I had planted the seed a few weeks ago that the thing I wanted more than anything was a blank journal to start a new tradition. A tradition where there would never be any guesses as to what to get mommy for any holidays. All I want is a note or a picture from my kids in this book, whenever they feel like doing so, so that years from now I have a place to reflect upon their little notes, songs, and pictures. My dream is to have volumes of these books. I was really hoping to receive one today. But it just didn't happen.

I actually asked Ryenne why she didn't draw me a picture or make a card and her reply was, "Mom, if you wanted a card you should have bought yourself one." *sigh*... I kind of felt like this was turning into quite the shitty day.

Today I have delt with screaming children, had sand thrown in my face, delt with pushing and fights, and also heard those words that I'm fortunate enough to hear everyday - "I love you".

And though I was briefly sucked into the world of things and had pangs of jealousy over things that other moms received today, I sit and realize that I am extremely fortunate. Every day is a gift and I am honored to call these little crazy people my Littles. The truth is, I am gifted every single day.


Lori said...

I had a similar experience with FB today....Kindles, Spa Days, flowers, ackkkk

My hubby doesn't do Mothers Day (or most holidays really). It has been a hard pill to swallow and I haven't always been graceful about it. He suffers from depression and a general lack of apathy.

But seriously as Moms we are most blessed everyday by those beautiful, complicated, simple sand throwing keiki.

Be kind to yourself and go pick out an amazing journal! That journal idea for the art is fabulous!

I bought myself some Mrs Meyers hand soap and some ear buds, in pink so my teens won't steal them, lol.

Happy Mothers Day!

Maehren said...

Oh honey! My mother's day last year was total shit, and my birthday, too, come to think of it. I can relate. Ryan and I came up with a detailed plan for the day, in order to ensure that it wouldn't suck so bad. It's gotta be hard when your man has to work. On your list for next year, be sure to include that he hire a babysitter if he has to work! I'm sorry it was a rough one, and I hope next year is better. Hugs!