Tuesday, February 02, 2010


This space has been very quiet lately. Notice the camera and I are taking a little break from each other. It has been cold, and while I think about doing crafty things with the kids, it just comes down to me being too tired. I am more tired this time. The crayons lay in their drawer, the play-doh is untouched, and instead there's dancing to Yo-Gabba-Gabba on tv. Bad mama!

But today I did experience something new! P-3 had the hiccups today. It took me a while to figure out what it was. Ry and Kai never had the hiccups when I was pregnant with them (that I could tell anyway) and this is the first time I've ever felt it. What a funny feeling!

So I hear today is Groundhog Day and that we have another 6 weeks of Winter ahead of us. I guess that's ok. I can't chase the kids at the park by myself anyway. But I do feel guilty for not taking pictures. It's so unlike me to keep the camera tucked away. I just haven't felt 'inspired' for anything artsy lately. Mostly just feeling beat up!

Today I am 35 weeks and P3 needs to stay put at least another week before I can have him/her at the birth center. I hope he or she decides to come just a tad early - maybe 38 weeks? I don't know how much longer my body is going to hold out. t-i-r-e-d.

But while I'm all tired and crabby, I will end this post on a positive note... I did the taxes last night. And we're getting enough back to pay toward our credit card debt to put us a whole year ahead to becoming debt free. We can do it. Like the Little Blue Engine That Could, we'll just keep chugging away. But instead of saying "I think I can..." I am chugging along, "I know I can, I know I can, I know I can..."

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Sorry you have another six weeks of Winter, but this is great news for me. Take it easy Mama, the crafting time will be happening for years to come. I am getting excited for you guys only a few weeks to go.