Saturday, February 26, 2011

The blog has been a little slow, but life is, as usual, crazy. In a good way.

I've been working hard on getting my Maui site going - reading about search engine optimization, targeting keywords, going through thousands of photos from years past. I am learning a lot - a really lot - about my business and where I want to take it. Realizing that in years past I had no idea about marketing - and thus never took off. I always wondered how these photographers who have been around for a couple of years could do so well when I've been struggling to get off the ground since 2002. I know why. I'm not a savvy business person. I am shy. I had no idea what I needed to do to get the word out and I put my money in the wrong places. I am learning. And I'm so full of optimism and hope and dreams that I can't sleep at night. My brain won't shut off - there's too much learning to be done. Too much to put into practice.

The kiddos have been pretty darn adorable lately. Cruz is still trying to walk - he can get across the living room (with a big smile on his face) and is so excited with himself. But that's the extent of it so far. I know that once he 'gets it' he'll be off running after Ryenne and Kai.

Kai has been a funny boy lately. He has gotten very into Superheroes. He loves to wear Ry's old Superman shirt and I recently found a Spiderman shirt at Savers that he adores. I caught him stockpiling plugs - he had two in his mouth. I really want to phase them out, but he's such an easy going boy (for the most part) and he LOVES his pluggies. It's so hard to take a lovey away. He doesn't have a special blankey or bear that he's attached to - just these plastic things - he even has a preference for the orange ones. *sigh*.... what to do...

I tried to reason with him telling him that Pluggies are for babies and asked, "Are you a baby or a big boy?" and he looked right at me and said, "Mama, I a KAI BOY!" - and there's no arguing with that, now is there?

I took my first walk around Town Lake the other day with my friend Nicole. I always thought it was so funny how they call this a lake, since it's a river (Texans!). It was beautiful walking over the bridge at the end of our three mile walk. 

As I opened the picture in photoshop to resize it, I zoomed in on the graffiti on the bridge. It reads,
"Focus one point and BREATHE"  - a message straight to my heart and soul.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Your marketing can't be that bad...I found YOU didn't I in 2005 off of google. :) Loved the pictures, of course. I always do