Friday, February 11, 2011

Cookie Day

Ugh the kids gave me a rough night last night! Peter let me sleep in a little this morning, which helped, along with my two cups of coffee :) 

Kai asked to watch Blue's Clues this morning (I really think it's one of the most genius little kid shows ever) and he got so animated watching it. He jumped up yelling, "HI STEVE & BLUE!". Cruz came crawling over to see what all the fuss was about and was fascinated. The particular show was about counting so Ryenne and Kai were counting with Blue and Steve - Kai was counting! Actually COUNTING. I was very, very impressed. He will now tell you he is two if you ask. It's quite cute. 

Cruz is thisclose to walking still. He has taken 10 steps (with a huge smile on his face) but usually he likes to push something around the house. Either this bin or a chair :)

Today we decided to make a skillet cookie. We made a whole wheat molasses oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. The kids are normally afraid of the mixer, but I offered to hold their hand and let them hold the mixer's handle. They each took turns and really liked watching the dough get all mixed together. And they liked licking the beaters too. I put the dough in the skillet and let them decorate it with chocolate chips. More than half of the chips didn't make it onto the cookie, but that's ok. They had a great time making it. 

 Cruz got in on the chocolate chip action too.

Tonight the kids' school is putting on a spaghetti dinner so we'll be heading over. I won't have to do dishes :)

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