Friday, February 04, 2011

Snow in Austin

This morning Peter called me from the road telling me he'd be home late. Usually he's home by 7am. The roads had turned to ice and cars were sliding everywhere. He drove home in first gear. I just prayed that he made it home safe and sound. 

I looked out my bedroom window and saw the dusting of snow. I giggled to myself that this inch of snow would probably shut the city down today. I was right :) 

Ryenne was awake and excited. I opened Kai's door to find him sitting on the trunk by his window, gazing outside. He turned to me and said, "Waddat?? Waddat Mama?" and he said it was pretty. It was pretty adorable. 

Cruz was still asleep so we decided to go outside into the snow. Luckily Ryenne's snow jacket from when she was 18 months (it was a 2t) still sorta fit her. I dug it out of the back of the closet. Kai's sweater has a broken zipper so I put him in that with Ryenne's sweater over it. I felt kinda bad that I didn't have proper gear for them, but it was a quick trip outside and they were too excited to care. 

Our backyard with the snow from overnight.

 Ry and Kai were so excited to go outside!
 My Maui Built sticker peeking out from the snow - just thought it was funny.

 Peter arrived home safe and sound. We all did a happy dance. The roads were crazy slippery.
The kids and I spent the day cleaning the dining room and kitchen. Today is Cruz's 11 month birthday. I can't believe in one month he'll be a year old. 

We decided to go take him to see the snow and touch it. I had Ryenne standing with him, holding his hand. Right when I was about to take the picture, Ryenne decided to let go and run off into the yard and poor Cruz fell into the snow. He was so upset. This image is the only one I got - just before he started wailing. Poor little guy!
 He much preferred to come inside and push the laundry basket around.

 And drink his water from his favorite sippy cup.
 And look at the snow from the window.
 When Peter woke up he worked on laying down the new floor in the downstairs play room. Ryenne and Kai decided to be helpers (but not really).
 Cruz just wanted to play with his walker.
 Ryenne decided the floors would be perfect for ballet and put on a little show. Please note that the wall colors are changing in this room. I can't wait to see what the final room will look like!
 Since it's kinda Cruz's day - being 11 months and all - I decided that dinner would be something that he would really like. The boy loves beans. So I made cornbread, baked beans, and hot dogs. He sat in his high chair next to me while I cooked. Ryenne and Kai helped me make the cornbread. Cruz ate two giant helpings. The boy can eat!

Since the snow date shut the city down, I didn't get the results of my MRI and MRA tests today as I had hoped. I have, however, been doing a lot of my own research online and will be doing a supplement protocol that I found online. I figure that it can't hurt to try it out!

1 comment:

Susan said...

So much fun for you guys. Love the snow pics. Max has that sippy too but hasn't figured it out yet. ;). Max loves beans too. Yummy