Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Our Valentines Day yesterday was pretty low key. 

Me and the kids cut up some magazines to use the pictures to make Valentine Cards for Peter. They loved getting messy with the glue stick. 

While the boys were sleeping me and Ry worked on some paper fairy dolls that Gams got her at Target. 

The fairies are sitting next to her bed in her room. 

Kai thought it would be funny to play "Tickle Monster" and he had to hide his face. The giggles were hysterical!

 Ryenne the fashionista :)

 Cooking helper "spying" what I was making for dinner. Actually - as I'm typing this I completely forget what we had...
 Who needs toys when there's a giant pack of toilet paper? This pack of TP has been a step stool, a chair, a motorcycle, a drum, and a push toy. Notice how Cruz is standing up all by himself.

The day also wouldn't be complete without a call to Poison Control. Kai had climbed onto the kitchen counter while I was with Cruz and opened the child-proof bottle of nausea meds that are for when I have a migraine. He put three in his mouth and apparently they didn't taste good cause he started crying. I got two of them out of his mouth, but he did swallow one (I counted pills so I know it was just one). Called poison control and they told me that it wouldn't harm him, but he would get drowsy. Sure enough... 
We had a lengthy talk about not opening medicines. I think he gets the point.

All in all a nice, mellow day!

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