Saturday, February 12, 2011


There can NOT be coexistence between GMO and non-GMO foods. The White House and Monsanto have hui'd up to deregulate genetically-modified (GMO) alfalfa. You can see the article here. Here's the problem... even if you don't eat alfalfa, this affects you.

I can tell you that as a person with hormonal imbalances, and everything I have been through with Kai Boy, it is imperative to keep GMO foods out of our diet. I'm not saying that you can't have GMO foods, I'm saying that it's important for me, for Kai, for my family to keep as natural as possible. With the deregulation, it's going to be easier for gmo foods to not be labeled and to sneak into our stores which we trusted. I am incredibly disappointed in the Obama administration for allowing this to happen.

If GM alfalfa is allowed to "coexist" with other crops, there will eventually be no distinction between organic, non-GM, and GM crops, because every crop will become contaminated with GMOs. This is why citizens must continue to fight GM alfalfa period.

Organic farming is vital. 

To contact Congress and Senate

To contact the USDA, email:

To contact the White House, call:
(202) 456-1111

1 comment:

Susan said...

I agree that people should know what they are buying. People should have a choice. ;). Things should be labeled so we know what we are putting into our bodies.