Friday, February 18, 2011

If I don't do it, how will it ever happen?

A lot has been on my mind these past weeks. Feeling homesick. Weighing options for my family and my kids. Having epiphanies about what is truly important to me and how I want to live the rest of my life. 

Life is a journey, after all, isn't it? Trying things. Failing. Succeeding. Learning.

The truth is I have felt stagnant with my photography for a while now. Uninspired. Dull. And a lot of it has to do with me not feeling comfortable in my surroundings. 

Before we moved to Texas, Peter and I talked about making sure we got back to Maui in the summers. Now that we have three kids, airfare isn't cheap. We couldn't make it happen last summer. So I posed myself this question: HOW CAN I MAKE IT HAPPEN? It's not simply saving some money here and there, it's beyond that - one of the biggest challenges ever - I have to be creative with this one. 

So I decided I'm opening a branch of my photography on Maui. I'll be offering portrait and weddings during the summer months - for significantly less than what I usually charge and what others there are charging - so that I can go home. And take the kids with me. The dates aren't set in stone yet, but we're leaving Austin sometime in June and will remain on Maui until mid-August. Peter will join us for the last three weeks we're gone. 

I've created a special website for this new endeavor - here's a screen shot:
I've designed this site to be unlike anything else offered on Maui. To celebrate the island - every part of it - not just the standard portrait. Check it out and let me know what you all think. I am incredibly optimistic that this will do well. 

I told Peter and my parents that I am secretly hoping that it does so well that it might be able to sustain us if we move back. Yes. I am THAT homesick.


maui said...

This is a Brilliant Idea! One thing that makes this possible is the way family in HI is so extended and there will be lots of places for you to stay and feel at home. Here on the mainland, people are not always comfortable staying with family long term, but in HI they will be thrilled to have
you:-). I hope this works out for you. Peter could attend the MCC nursing program. I hear it is really good. If it's only a summer thing, maybe it will ease your longing for Maui. I commend you for taking action instead of just being homesick...this could truly be the answer!

Kristi said...

me too my dear friend. it is hard isn't it?