Monday, January 31, 2011

Portrait of a Two Year Old

It was a beautiful day outside again today. Sunny, warm, practically perfect. The kids had worked me all morning - hitting each other, pushing, stealing toys, blowing boogers everywhere... I needed outside. We needed to just run around and not be inside.

Ryenne brought out her bear that she's borrowing from school. Her name is "Sugar Pongo" and I was supposed to take pictures of the bear participating in family activities all weekend. The bear has been in the bag all weekend - bad, bad mom!

Cruz enjoyed the sunshine too. 

I made another attempt to get a picture of all three kids together, smiling, looking perfect for the camera. A certain two year old wanted nothing to do with it. 

The real reason I brought the camera outside was to let Kai run loose and take pictures of him - this crazy little two year old boy. 

One of his favorite shows is called Avatar - the Last Airbender. It's actually a really well done cartoon series on Netflix. The main character, Aang, is an airbender and controls air and learns how to control other elements. Kai grabbed some sticks and ran around yelling he was the Airbender :) 

He was so mad at me for taking pictures of him. I had to save this picture below so that I can show him when he's big what a pill he was being. 

Then it was back to being the Airbender. Look at that fierce warrior face! 

He has also just recently started being afraid of the dark and climbing his chest of drawers to turn on his light. I think we're going to need to move the chest of drawers now. Crazy boy.

1 comment:

Susan said...

love how you captured their the pics of Cruz walking. I agree Peter's reaction is as great as Cruz walking