Monday, April 30, 2012

I can't believe we're about to start May already. Half the year almost gone!

This weekend Grandma and Papa were out with their friends so we hung out at their house. We hit up the park on Saturday.
Kai is getting so brave on all the equipment. He even climbs the ladders no problem!

Ry Ry so big... one more month and she's going to be 6!!!

I don't know why it looks like Cruz has a black eye here... weird. Anyway, he was playing he was on a ship.

Then it got really dark and started raining on us so we hid under the slide. I got this shot of the very bright rainbow - though it's not in focus cause it was raining hard. The showers passed after about 2 minutes and we went back to playing.
Cruz pooped out after playing zoning out watching cartoons
Sunday Peter let me sleep in (good man) then we took the kids to Napili Bay before he had to go back to work.
3 Little Monkeys at Napili Bay

Ry waiting for a wave to come in

Cruz splashing around

Splashing Baby!

Ry Ry doing her 5 year old silly smile
This week Peter got split days off, but one of them happens to be a Friday. Unheard of! So we are planning on seeing a movie. So excited!!

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