Saturday, April 07, 2012

Kai Boy

There is an immense feeling of deep connection between me and Kai. I don't play favorites between the kids because all three are amazing, but I feel like I can trust that Ry and Cruz are going to be just fine in this life. Kai, however, will have struggles. I feel like he has had so Any struggles in his short life - more than most adults and my tolerance and patience levels have to be different with him. I think that a lot of my relationship struggles with Peter in 2010 were because of extra attention Kai got from me. Even still I know that Peter's relationship with Kai isn't quite to where it should be (but I know it gets better everyday). Kai is such an interesting person. While not diagnosed with autism, I know there is 'something' to him that makes him different. He requires more patience, more tolerance, and more explaining than the other two. He has quirks that none of us understand - like wearing everything backwards or counting and saying ABC's in the wrong order. These are all flags for me that my fight for a normal life for him isn't over. Sometimes I struggle knowing what to do. But I know that I was given this boy for a reason - I was meant to be this boys mom and guide him through this life. He tells me I'm his best friend and he has a heart in his body that is mine. I know he feels this deep connection to me too. I hope I always lead him down the right path and I hope that he will have an incredible life.

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