Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I think I need to go to the doctor

I've been debating if I should go or not. But I think I should.

My legs and feet are cold ALL THE TIME. Cold to the point that my bones hurt and it's like 70 degrees outside. And for the past few days I have been exhausted. To the point I feel I can't function. And my legs have been hurting a lot (but that could be from exercise).

I've been debating on going because I'm usually always tired anyway - I am not a morning person and waking up to get kiddos ready for school takes it's toll on me. But I just feel that by 3pm I could go to bed for the night. That's not normal, right?

As far as eating goes, I've been gluten free so I know that the diet end is going well. I have been working out a lot, but also eating a lot of protein and drinking craploads of water. So I know I'm hydrated and getting enough vitamins and protein. So I'm confused as to what could be going on. I'll be making a call to Kaiser tomorrow. But if you have any ideas/comments, please let me know!


Lori said...

Could it be thyroid? I have had a lot of issues with cold feet. As in they are always flipping cold.
Is it something that has been going on for a while? Other than that it could be poor circulation.

If you get your thyroid checked make sure they do the really sensitive test.

Good luck

Kristi said...

go to a naturopath they have the best remedies. x