Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back in Austin

What a whirlwind couple of days...

On Friday night we had a wonderful dinner to celebrate Kupono and then on Saturday morning Peter and I woke very early while Pops took us to the airport to drop us off. Peter and I went to El Paso to photograph a wedding.

I was extremely nervous about this
A) because my mom had just lost one of the very best things in her life
B) Cruz is still nursing
C) I felt guilty for leaving my babies with my mom who is so full of grief that it is tangible.

Saturday was crazy. We were up at 5am to make sure that we had packed every piece of camera equipment and double and triple checked it. We flew to El Paso and checked into our hotel and shortly thereafter started wedding coverage from noon to 10:45pm. By the end of the wedding (which was beautiful with a stunning couple) we were both thoroughly exhausted. I don't think I could have walked any further than the bed. My body kinda gave out on me.

I couldn't sleep. Although I brought my breast pump, it just wasn't working well and I was engorged and in pain. I cried when I dumped the milk down the drain. I was upset because when I checked with my mom Cruz wouldn't take a bottle and he was hungry and I was so far away from him.

This morning we checked out, turned in the car and got on a plane back to Austin. I was so happy to see my kiddos and hug them and kiss them. I know that my parents got "worked" and had a rough time and I am soooooo thankful for their help this weekend. I really needed this wedding job, both for my business and my bank account.

I hope everyone gets peaceful rest tonight!


Susan said...

ugh my heart aches for you having had to leave Cruz. I am sure it felt so good to be back with the kiddos. can't wait to see photos from the big day. I am sure they will be lovely.

Kristi said...

i teared up just reading this. it is so hard when you have a nursing baby. i can remember being at the ritz cring in closet while i pumped milk for quinn, knowing that he was wondering where i was and why he had to have a bottle. a mother's guilt...nothing like it.